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The frequency with which you should place a binary option trade is based on the type of trader you are.
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For example, an American-style WXYZ Corporation May 21, 2011 60 Call entitles the buyer to purchase 100 shares of WXYZ Corporation common stock at 60 per share at any time prior to the option s expiration date of May 21.
For many years, it had no formal position on the binary options trading market, but it has recently clarified this. It has confirmed that it classifies binary options as a derivative.
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If, however, the outcome of the yes/no proposition is not satisfied, the binary option is said to expire out of the money, and the customer may lose the entire deposited sum.
In case of Put options, strike price is the price at which owner (buyer) of the PUT option can sell the underlying asset to the option seller, no matter whatever is the current price of the underlying asset.

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In order to understand and implement these two types of analysis, many years of experience are needed. Signals can be used as an additional piece of information during the trading process that helps traders decide on their next move.
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