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If you believe the market is rising, you could purchase a call which gives you the right to purchase the security at a specific price through a future date. Doing so means you think the stock will increase in price.
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Sicav Diversifie : les fonds sont investis sur plusieurs catgories de titres (Montaire, obligataire, actions) afin de mieux rpartir le risque li ces marchs en recherchant les meilleures performances. Les FCP (Fonds Commun de Placement) Leur vocation est identique celle.
Certain Registration and Regulatory Requirements of the SEC. For example, some binary options may be securities. Under the federal securities laws, a company may not lawfully offer or sell securities unless the offer and sale have been registered with the.
For the writer (seller) of a call option, it represents an obligation to sell the underlying security at the strike price if the option is exercised. The call option writer is paid a premium for taking on the risk associated.

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