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Best Answer: A binary compound (invented by Sammy Glasner) is a chemical compound that contains exactly two different elements. Examples are NaCl.
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Ways To Roll Forward an Options Contract. There are two ways to roll forward an options contract; By Legging or Simultaneous Order. Legging means performing the closing off of the existing position and the opening of the new further month.
Traders can access a customer service representative through email, by phone, or through a live chat option. Conclusion Overall, IQ Option provides a great trading platform choice with an intuitive interface as well as many powerful features.
Das ist weniger riskant als der normale Aktienkauf. Wenn wir Volatilität verkaufen. In Krisenzeiten ist die Volatilität hoch und damit auch die Optionspreise. Volatilität bleibt jedoch nicht immer hoch, sondern fällt wieder auf ein normales Niveau.
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A plain vanilla option gives the holder the right to buy or sell an underlying asset at a specified price on the expiration date, which is also known as a plain vanilla European option.

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Orders To Use When Rolling Forward an Options Contract. When rolling forward a short options position, you need to BUY TO CLOSE the existing position and then. SELL TO OPEN the new positions.
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