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The call holder has the right to buy a Sensex at 3900, no matter how much the spot market price has risen. And with the current price at 4100, a profit can be made by selling Sensex at this higher.
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A LOGARITHMIC chart is a percentage growth chart. It has equal vertical distances between the same percentages of price growth. For example, a price movement from 10 to 20 is a 100 move.

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FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS seeks to determine future stock price by understanding and measuring the objective value of an equity. The study of stock charts, known as TECHNICAL. ANALYSIS, believes that the past action of the market itself will determine the future.
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Binary options metatrader indicators

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In an uptrend, there will be a POSITIVE rate of price change over time. In a downtrend, a stock declines often with intermediate periods of consolidation or movement against the trend.

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